Photo of First Tryon Advisors

First Tryon Advisors


Organization Overview

First Tryon Advisors* is a full service financial advisory practice based in Charlotte that serves the needs of independent K-12 schools with a focus on the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Our job is to help NC independent schools determine the amount of debt they can afford and implement the best financing solution for their construction project needs.

Our practice recently welcomed Wye River Group, a Maryland-based financial advisory practice with a strong presence in the independent school space, to our team. Much like First Tryon, Wye River’s growth and success have been built upon the principles of integrity, expertise, innovation, and outstanding client service. Together, our combined group consists of 24 motivated professionals who can offer our clients a wide range of expertise and services that includes Financial Advisory Services, Capital Planning Models, Operational Consulting and Swap Advisory Services.

Our mission is to give our clients peace of mind by delivering expert advice, innovative planning strategies and tailored financing solutions.

For more information, please contact:
Robert Hobson, Managing Director, 704-926-2982
Christopher Wienk, Managing Director, 410-267-8811 ext. 302

*The practice known as “First Tryon Advisors” includes two SEC-registered Municipal Advisors: First Tryon Securities, LLC d/b/a First Tryon Advisors (“FTSLLC”) and First Tryon Advisors, LLC d/b/a Wye River Group (“FTALLC”). FTSLLC is a member FINRA and SIPC and an MSRB Registrant; FTALLC is an MSRB Registrant.